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What is smart farming technology and what can it do for the environment?

Smart Farming Technologies
8 mins read |

Technological advancement has always been the primary driver of growth in agricultural output and development. Historically, technologies have been selected and implemented to increase farm income. Long-term impacts of agriculture, R&D, education training, and policy guidance have all influenced technology choices and farming methods.

Agriculture is increasingly impacted by environmental, food safety and quality, and animal welfare standards. New problems include rising food consumption, international competitiveness, and the production of high-quality agricultural products.

Simultaneously, it must achieve sustainability goals such as enhanced ecology, further economic liberalization, and compliance with international environmental agreements.

What is smart farming technology and what it can do for the environment?

It is the goal of technology in smart farming to double agricultural output while slashing input expenses by half. As a result, it refers to a farming approach that makes extensive use of data collecting and analysis. This strategy’s objective is to increase manufacturing output while simultaneously being environmentally friendly.

GPS farming, for example, is fundamental to smart farming agriculture. With the installation of autonomous harvesters and other agricultural machinery, such as tractors, the emphasis shifts to an all-encompassing approach that emphasizes not just spatial precision but also the most advanced crop treatment technology.

How much fertilizer to apply and when to apply it, the precise area to treat, and the resources required for plant protection are just a few of the typical challenges addressed by smart farming technologies.

Agriculture faces several information challenges. To effectively monitor the growth of small-plot farmers, any monitoring system must integrate a large variety of geographical and temporal indicators. To achieve the optimum results from it, an enormous amount of data must be collected.

How Smart Farming Technology Helps to Improve the Ecology

Eco-friendly smart farming technology helps reduce agricultural pollution. Using less fertilizer and herbicides reduces leaching and greenhouse gas emissions. Sensor networks can enable near-constant agricultural monitoring with today’s ICT. Agricultural inputs including water, fertilizer, and medications can be linked to plant, animal, and soil conditions.

Good farming methods may increase profits. Resources are saved, and hazards are averted by improving spatially explicit data dependability.

Access to optimum site-specific weather predictions, yield projections, disease, and disaster probability maps will boost crop yields. Meteorological and climate data are used to forecast illnesses and calamities.

Farmers, processors, and retailers in both developing and established countries can benefit from site-specific data. Using automated sensors to collect all farming data saves time on administrative tasks and resource allocation.

It may also enhance customer acceptance. Theory can increase product quality (for example, by increasing the number of antioxidants and other secondary metabolites in the product).

Smart agricultural technologies may enable a coordinated effort to break free of polarizing and segmenting technologies and practices. in high-yielding orchards; or milk produced by livestock fed appropriately).

Healthier options may also attract a higher market price, which is critical for land-use efficiency. Transparency in production and processing will improve as ICT allows tracking of farms and conditions. So new forms of farmer-buyer engagement are possible.

Top 5 sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices

In recent years, public awareness of the environmental damage caused by large-scale agriculture has grown. Numerous destructive farming techniques contribute to this. As a result, agricultural innovations, such as ecologically friendly farming techniques, should be implemented.

sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices for smart farming technology
Five ecologically friendly agriculture ideas that will assist you in achieving long-term success are listed below.

1. Aquaponics & Hydroponics in smart farming technology

Aquaponics & Hydroponics is a method of farming that completely relies on natural pest management and biological fertilizers to grow crops without the use of chemicals or pesticides. This strategy optimizes the energy and nutrient cycles in the agricultural ecosystem.

Fertilization enhances the soil’s organic carbon content, resulting in a significant rise in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Farmers will benefit from Aquaponics & Hydroponics ideas by reducing nitrous oxide and methane emissions from the land. That is why, over time, this strategy benefits to water, nearby species, land, the environment, and farmers.

2. Permaculture

Technological advancement has always been the primary driver of growth in agricultural output and development. Historically, technologies have been selected and implemented to increase farm income. Long-term impacts of agriculture, R&D, education training, and policy guidance have all influenced technology choices and farming methods.

Permaculture is the establishment of self-sustaining agricultural ecosystems. Based on crop diversity, resilience, natural production, and land sustainability, this farming method creates synergetic agricultural systems.

However, since the early 1980s, permaculture has evolved into a holistic concept that goes far beyond agriculture. Permaculture is a global ethical technique for building interconnected systems based on the notion of sustainable development. Natural ecosystems are vital to human activity.

3. Using Renewable Energy Resources

Agriculture and food production is estimated to account for 35% of total GHG emissions. As a result, agricultural equipment should be powered by solar, hydro, and wind farms.

Solar panels are used to power pumps and heating systems in this manner. Farmers can also power farming equipment with hydroelectricity generated by a nearby river. Farmers should conduct an online comparison of energy rates to determine the most cost-effective alternative energy sources.

4. Crop Rotation & Polycultures

Crop rotation is a technique used in agriculture that entails cultivating a variety of crops on the same field throughout several seasons. This method can help reduce the likelihood of plant and vegetable diseases.

Additionally, this strategy decreases the number of herbicides and chemical fertilizers required to be considered environmentally benign.

5. Trees Can Increase Crop Yields

Finally, but certainly not least, is the use of agroforestry technology, which comprises planting woody perennials on the same land used for agricultural production.

Due to the approach’s emphasis on maximizing available land, it is exceptionally productive and long-lasting. This plan will generate considerable economic rewards while also being beneficial to health and the environment.

To Sum Up

With smart farming technology, more coordinated transitions away from controversial technologies and practices are conceivable. Agriculture’s long-term survival is dependent on technology, crop, and livestock production system diversity, and networks across all agricultural and food service providers.

With a single legislative strategy, it is difficult to accomplish ethical ICT use. Rather than that, the objective is to identify the most significant impediments to or hazards to the long-term application of technology in developed and developing countries alike.

Agriculture is critical in the fight against climate change and its adverse repercussions. Increased agricultural sustainability can contribute to both increased food production capacity and environmental protection.

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